Steps for Admitted Students
Have you been admitted to 博彩网址大全 as a graduate student? Take the steps outlined below to finalize your enrollment. Don’t hesitate to contact your graduate admission counselor if you have any questions. If you are an international student, there are additional steps you’ll need to take.
If you applied using 博彩网址大全’s online graduate application, you can notify us about your decision to accept or decline your admission by logging in and clicking on “Manage Your Account.” From there, you can access the decision form.
If you’ve used a third-party, centralized application to apply — such as SOPHAS for public health programs or CASPA for physician administration programs — you’ll need to email us directly at with your decision.
Follow these step-by-step instructions to set up your 博彩网址大全 Net ID.
Log into my博彩网址大全 at Use your 博彩网址大全 Net ID and 博彩网址大全 Net Password, then click "Login." Click on the "Tools" tab to find links to systems, such as Banner Self-Service and other 博彩网址大全 applications and systems.
When logging in for the first time, you will be directed to set up your multi-factor authentication. You will need to log in upon completing that process.
Contact your department in order to receive enrollment directions, important dates and other information specific to your graduate program. You can also check the University calendar.
If you decide to attend 博彩网址大全, you will need to submit your immunization records and health history. You will also need to submit a health plan enrollment/waiver form.
You’ll use your 博彩网址大全 ID card to access student services and campus buildings such as the library. Make sure to bring a photo ID, along with a copy of your class schedule.